Ask2000 Search

Instructions on Searching: In the Keyword(s) field enter the word(s) you would like to find in the name of the agency or in the agency's description. In the Geographical Area(s) field enter the zip code, city, region or island you would like to limit the search to. The two fields are logically "ANDed" which means a record must meet the criteria of both fields.

You may also limit the way the database is searched by using the pull down menu and selecting another criteria for word recognition. BEGINS WITH is selected by default and looks for the string(s) in the beginning of every word in the fields. (Ex. "shel" will find "shelter" and "shelf" but not "bookshelf.") ENDS WITH is like begins with but looks for the string entered at the end of every word in the field. EQUALS looks to match EXACTLY (disregarding case) any string in the fields. OMIT WORD is used to eliminate records containing the string entered.


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